Outlook on new crop Indonesian pepper

Outlook on new crop Indonesian pepper

First reports tell us that the new crop pepper from Indonesia will start not earlier than the end of June, some 2 months from now. The Lampung province will start with the harvest for black pepper. A month later harvesting will be done on the islands of Bangka and Belitung for the famous Muntok white pepper.

Pink pepper crop upcoming

Pink pepper crop upcoming

Our main focus has been on Brazil for pink pepper the last couple of years. Quality has improved significantly compared to a decade ago. Brazil now produces pink pepper in a premium grade that is very suitable for retail packing.

Raging bull

Raging bull

In this case we are not referring to the famous 80’s movie from Scorsese, but we are looking back to our news item of 2 months ago. When comments are that farmers and stockists are holding, experienced buyers know enough.

Plain vanilla, true or false

Plain vanilla, true or false

Like “true cinnamon” can only come from Sri Lanka, some buyers say the only “true” vanilla comes from Madagascar. For some that might be the case, other buyers are open for alternative origins like Indonesia and Uganda which also produce the Planifolia variant.

Crop update on Indian onion

Crop update on Indian onion

New crop Indian dehydrated white onion is available since processing started last week. Prices are favorable at the moment and foreseen to increase throughout the season. We advise to cover requirements.

A star reborn

A star reborn

Some twenty years ago Nigerian ginger was the benchmark for spice industries worldwide. Quality issues, mainly on mycotoxins, changed this. Industries started to switch to other countries of origin like China and India.

Bull and Ox

Bull and Ox

Now the west has celebrated their new year, we can start looking forward to Chinese lunar new year. The new year in China will be the year of the Ox.

Tết Nguyên Đán

Tết Nguyên Đán

Tết Nguyên Đán, also known as Vietnamese Lunar New Year, or simply shortened as Tet will next year (2021) be at February 12th. The same goes for Chinese New Year.


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