Mexican allspice outlook

Mexican allspice outlook

We are receiving several reports from different sources, all containing the same message. The 2022 crop of Mexican allspice (pimento) will be delayed.

MOAH – European Commission

MOAH – European Commission

Summary of Draft joint statement of the EU Member States regarding the presence of Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons (MOAH) in food, including food for infants and young children.

Seeds supply

Seeds supply

Everyone active in the spice industry will have noticed by the now the limited availability of sunflower seeds (oil). Unfortunately the Ukrainian Russian crisis will have its effect on other items for the spice industries worldwide as well.

Pink pepper new crop

Pink pepper new crop

The 2022 crop of pink pepper from Brazil will start to arrive in about 2 months time. As usual Van der Does has some limited options for pre-crop sales.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict

The Russia-Ukraine conflict

Van der Does Spice Brokers closely monitors the situation regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The year of the Tiger

The year of the Tiger

We have entered the year of the Tiger. Many wonder, will the tiger chase the bull or fight the bear. Considering the fundamentals in the spice markets we foresee the first.

Follow us on LinkedIn

Follow us on LinkedIn

Want to be up to date on the markets for spices, herbs, seeds and dehydrated vegetables? Simply follow our company on Linkedin. 

Happy holidays

Happy holidays

The team of Van der Does Spice Brokers wishes you a merry Christmas and a sparkling fabulous New Year!

Our office will be closed for the holidays from December 24th until December 31st. We will resume working again on January 3rd.

In case of emergencies during the holidays please contact your personal broker directly.


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NL 3311XT Dordrecht
Países Bajos


Europa: +31 (10) 530 0016
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